NorthEast Theatre Ensemble presents "Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf" at Mabee Farm Historic Site, June 21-30, 2024. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf By Edward Albee, and Directed by Krysta Dennis Performances at 7:30 PM June 21, 22, 28, 29 and at 2:30 PM June 23 and 30 Tickets are $20 at Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf eviscerates the mid-century ideals of the American Dream. George and Martha, who are disappointed by each other, by life, marriage, and academia, perform a disturbing charade that slowly envelopes their young guests Nick and Honey over the course of an alcohol-fueled evening. In Albee’s play, truth is relative, and the niceties of polite society are dispensed with as an alcohol induced haze blurs the distinction between truth and illusion. As the evening reaches fever pitch, illusion must be exorcized, but at what cost? NorthEast Theatre Ensemble presents Edward Albee’s incisive examination of this volatile relationship in the round at Mabee Farm. Like their guests Nick and Honey, the audience will experience George and Martha’s increasingly dangerous fun and games from close at hand. The cast includes Janet Kimlicko as Martha, Dennis Schebetta as George, Suzanna Bornn as Honey, and Jordan Bray as Nick. The production is directed by Krysta Dennis, assistant directed by Suzanna Bornn, with fight choreography from Molly Waters, stage managed by Conor Kimlicko, assistant stage management by Britt McFadden.