If you’d like to work with our archivists to create digital copies of materials in your family’s collections, please bring up to 10 items to scan, such as:
- Single or multi-page documents such as newsletters or small maps
- Flat documents such as letters and posters up to 8 ½” x 11”
- Photographs up to 8 ½” x 11”
- 35mm negatives
- Slides
Please bring your own flash-drive or hard-drive, if you have one. If you don’t have a flash-drive or hard-drive, we can show you how to email the scans to yourself or upload the files to a digital drive (e.g. Google Drive, Dropbox)
Please be aware of copyright that limits what you can scan. If you created it, that means you have the copyright; if it was a photograph from a photography studio or newspaper, you may need their permission. We can explain more when you are here. Don’t digitize personal information like addresses, phone numbers, and social security numbers. That’s information that should stay private. Materials should be able to lie flat on a scanner. Fragile items are not recommended.
This event will not include the following:
- Audio
- Video
- Film
- Large rolled panoramic photographs, maps, or posters
- 3D Objects
If items brought to the event cannot be scanned at that time for any reason, participants will receive information on how to schedule a follow-up appointment for one-on-one assistance or other recommendations.