Details on Look-Ups of Records
If you find a reference to a specific record or document of interest to you that is described in one of the finding aids on our Collections page, you can request a photocopy of the record for the $10 fee. Please contact 518-374-0263, option 3, or email our Librarian to request a copy of a specific record.
Obituary and Marriage Record Look-Ups: The library has transcriptions of obituary and marriage notices from local newspapers for the years 1812-1884 (1812-1877 on microfilm).
Almshouse/Poorhouse Record Look-Ups: The SCHS Library has a microfilm copy of the standard inmate census/intake form for reporting information about inmates for the poorhouse in Schenectady County, New York. Although the records span the years from 1875 to 1920, there are often gaps of one or more years in the census returns from a particular county. Most records are in the 1900-1919 time period. Search the index: Almshouse Records Index
Naturalization Records: The library has naturalization records from 1809-1929 on microfilm.